About me
My name is Dana and I was born in the small town of Baraboo, WI back in 1965. I live there today and am happily married to my husband, Vic.
This was our wedding day back on August 18, 2018. At the time we had two dogs, Olivia and Simon, who served as our flower girl and ring bearer for the ceremony. It was very important for these two dogs to be a part of our wedding day because they helped to bring us together. Vic and I had met briefly back in the late 1980s and then in 2014 met again at a friend's bonfire where we instantly clicked. Most people would never have put us two together but writing down in a journal what I wanted in someone new in my life, Vic fit it pretty good. We are both smartasses, love animals, have no human children nor a desire to have them, have a variety of interests in common as well as new that we introduced to one another, love nature and appreciate the well-rounded group of friends that we have.